The Vaper Expo UK is recognised as the largest and most important vaping event in Europe and is considered to be the must-attend expo for all UK European and International manufacturers, suppliers and distributors. We are proud to introduce and unite leading key players from within the industry, to acias the premier platform for aunching new products and services. and serve as the central European hub for the vaping industry.
The Vaper Expo UK has continued to grow in to a world reknowed event and is now the biggest. best and most 'must attend' vape convention in Europe ancthe only established UK event. We have been working hard on creating a show that works for all of our exhibitors, trade visitors and consumers, combining theight mix of professionalism. entertainment. retail and B2B.
英国电子烟博览会(Vaper Expo UK)不断发展成为世界知名的活动,现在是欧洲最大、最好、最“必须参加”的电子烟大会,也是英国唯一一个成熟的活动。我们一直在努力打造一个适合所有参展商、专业观众和消费者的展会,将专业、娱乐、零售和B2B相结合。
Exhibiting with us at The Vaper Expo UK gives you the ultimate brancawareness for your company and products. With over 20,000 + visitors thaange from beginners to advanced vape users, and a dedicated B2B audiencehe Vaper Expo UK has become the eading marketing too for any companh manv companies choosing to aunch new branothin the vapeindustrand products at the event.
本届为期3天(2023.05.12-14)的展会吸引了300多家参展商,500多个品牌,20,000多名观众。与我们一起参加英国电子烟博览会,为您的公司和产品提供最终的品牌知名度。Vaper Expo UK拥有超过20,000名参观者,从初学者到高级电子烟用户,以及专门的B2B观众,已成为电子烟行业内任何公司的领先营销工具,许多公司选择在展会上推出新品牌和产品。